Alcohol and Drug Hotline: (800) 821-4357
Health Helpline: (800) 272-4232
Hunger hotline: (617) 523-7010
MA Substance Abuse Information Hotline:
National Drug and Alcohol Treatment:
(800) 662-HELP​
National Drug and Alcohol Treatment: (800) 662-HELP
Poison Control: (800) 682-9211
Safe Link Domestic Violence Hotline: (877) 785-2020
Samaritans Suicide Helpline: (508) 875-4500
UMass Emergency Mental Health: (508) 856-3562
United Way: 211
Find AA meetings in Boylston, Massachusetts to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Massachusetts includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
Contact Info: (800)-681-2956
Free rehab is a substance abuse treatment program that is offered at no cost to participants. These programs are typically funded by government grants, donations, and private insurance
Inpatient rehab
Outpatient rehab
Residential rehab
Contact Info: (866) 972-0589
The Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health (MACGH) was founded to help individuals struggling with gambling.
Gambling Problems: Gambling becomes a problem when it negatively impacts any area of your life. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve lost or won.
Gaming Problem:Video gaming becomes a problem when it negatively impacts any area of your life. It doesn’t matter how many hours you play. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer Minecraft, FIFA, Call of Duty, or something else. Nor does it matter how you play: on your phone, computer, console, or VR set.
GamLine: 1-800-GAM-1234
National Helpline: 1-800-GAMBLER
The Hector Reyes House is a new model of residential substance use treatment. It will provide services for 25 Latino men. This program will offer in-house medical treatment, along with intensive cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing. It will address nationally recognized health care disparities, alleviate a shortage of treatment options for Latinos, offer training and employment options designed to promote recovery, and reduce the odds of relapse. There are currently NO such programs in the region.
Address: 27 Vernon St, Worcester, MA 01610
Contact Info: (508) 459-1801
Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery from the effects of addiction through working a twelve-step program, including regular attendance at group meetings. The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for addicts who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle.
Contact Info: fsmail@na.org; (818) 773-9999 ext.771
Al-Anon members are people, just like you, who are worried about someone with a drinking problem.
Al-Anon Meetings: Al-Anon is a mutual support group of peers who share their experience in applying the Al-Anon principles to problems related to the effects of a problem drinker in their lives.
Alateen Meetings: Alateen is a peer support group for teens who are struggling with the effects of someone else’s problem drinking.
Contact Info: 1-888-4AL-ANON (1-888-425-2666)
SUPE is one of the most comprehensive online
drug education and prevention resource. is a comprehensive drug education platform for individuals of all ages. SUPE has helpful articles and engaging videos for kids, teens, parents, and teachers.
Contact Info: communications@learnwithsupe.org
Sober houses offer an important service to individuals in early recovery. When leaving treatment, many men and women have limited options. Independent living is difficult, and sober housing offers an attractive alternative to many options available to men and women in early recovery.
Contact Info: (844) 762-3747;
The Recovery Center provides peer-to-peer recovery support using its volunteer/member force to deliver services.
Address: 25 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA, 01609
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 8:30am-5pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30am-8:30pm
Contact Info: (774) 670-4406; Michael.Earielo@spectrumhealthsystems.org
Narcan training and Narcan is available at on a walk-in basis through the Joe McKee Care Center to active users of opiates, their families, and those who frequently interact with active users. There is no copay at APW for Narcan. Narcan is also available at most major pharmacies without a prescription.
Address: 165 Southbridge Street, Worcester, MA, 01608
Hours: Wednesday 8am-6pm;
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8am-5pm
Contact Info: (508) 755-3773
Our services for patients with substance use disorders are available to all adults. You do not need a referral, or to be a patient at the health center to receive treatment for your substance use disorder in our Office- Based Addiction Treatment (OBAT) program. In the OBAT program, we treat people with opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder.
Contact Info: (508)-595-1150
The Recovery Center provides peer-to-peer recovery support using its volunteer/member force to deliver services.
Address: 107 Lincoln St, Worcester, MA, 01605
Open 24 Hours
Contact Info: (866) 493-4187
Inpatient, Residential Recovery Homes,Motivating Youth Recovery Program, Office Based Addiction Treatment Program, Peer Support, Recovery Coaches, Residential Programs
Contact Info: (508) 860-1000
Our center provides a safe, welcoming place where various activities and member-driven services are planned and implemented by peers. Services are intended to help those affected by substance use disorder lead valued and fulfilled lives, free from all forms of addiction. Activities evolve based on the needs, interests and preferences of our members.
Address: 31 Main Street, Marlborough, MA, 01752
Hours: Monday 9am-4pm; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am-4:30pm; Wednesday 9am-8:30pm; Saturday 9am-3pm
Contact Info: (508) 485-0298