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About Us

The mission of the Boylston Public Library is to provide an enriching environment and diverse resources to the residents of Boylston. We bring our community together by actively connecting them to free and open information, technology, social engagement, discovery, and sharing.

Who We Are

The library is governed by a six-member elected Board of Library Trustees and managed by a Director. The Trustees oversee the establishment of a mission and vision, help determine policies that govern the library, and overseeing the management as well as the physical space. The Trustees manage building maintenance and renovation projects, monitor budgets, and assist with strategic and long-range planning. Trustee meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 6pm. 



The Boylston Public Library Foundation, Inc. raises funds to support the current activities and long term goals of the library as a community hub, including the enhancement of the physical space and the adoption of new technologies. 



Director:                      Erica Hout  

Asst. Director:             Alexi Nix  

Children's Librarian:  Larissa Stretton 

Sr. Associate:              Allyson Bowker

Assistant:                    Debbie Francis

Assistant:                    Emily Chakmakian

Page:                          Carly Heske


Board of Trustees

Chair:                       Maria Zapp

Vice Chair:               Susan Therriault

Secretary:                 Arlene Murphy

Treasurer:                 Kate Valleli

Member:                  Beth Wilson              Member:                  Azucena Filsinger

Associate Member: Jean Terriault           

Our Team

We believe that staff are one of the best resources in a library. We're dedicated to our community, and you'll often find us doing outreach around Boylston. Whether you see us in the library or somewhere else in town, say hello--and keep your questions coming! 

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